February 2020

David Parkin steps in between Wilder v Fury and watches the private equity boys get cocky

WHEN it comes to heavyweight boxing this weekend’s clash of giants has to be one of the most anticipated fights for years. The stars have aligned to make the rematch between WBC Heavyweight Champion Deontay Wilder and Britain’s unbeaten former undisputed champion Tyson Fury one of those rare occasions in boxing when no hype is

David Parkin steps in between Wilder v Fury and watches the private equity boys get cocky Read More »

David Parkin on Northern wailers, Boris, Zippy and the Honey Monster

CALM down, calm down! I know that was the catchphrase of Harry Enfield’s Scousers but you could currently apply it to quite a few people across the North of England. Last night this rather agitated lot were shouting loudly from the rooftops and ringing church bells across the North country. Well they weren’t, they were

David Parkin on Northern wailers, Boris, Zippy and the Honey Monster Read More »

David Parkin on knickers down at the BBC, what reminds him of Love Island and the trouble with Gary Lineker

THERE used to be a programme on TV called Auntie’s Bloomers. The format was pretty straightforward: broadcasting legend Sir Terry Wogan presenting bloopers from BBC programmes. It was easy to see how it originated. Some bright spark in Television Centre had realised that all the daft out-takes from shows on the Beeb were being hoovered

David Parkin on knickers down at the BBC, what reminds him of Love Island and the trouble with Gary Lineker Read More »

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