November 2015

David Parkin gets inspired at KPMG, has Black Friday Blues and meets some Forward Ladies

HOSTING an event for KPMG Enterprise this week gave me the opportunity to have a close up look at the impressive new home of the business advisory firm in Leeds. The Sovereign Street building represents a big change from the firm’s previous home across the road. Walking in you immediately see staff walking around the […]

David Parkin gets inspired at KPMG, has Black Friday Blues and meets some Forward Ladies Read More »

David Parkin on rapping in a balloon and making himself understood

A DJ rapper, a former England cricketer nicknamed Badger because he fidgets a lot, an Apprentice candidate who irked Lord Sugar for not selling enough cat towers in a pet promotion and a sports presenter idolised by rugby league fans. Putting all four together in front of an audience of top business people and hoping

David Parkin on rapping in a balloon and making himself understood Read More »

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